8 September 2012

My Three Wishes

Few weeks ago, when Miss Vilivyne was still teaching us, she asked us to choose our own topic and write an essay about it. My group members which are Aina, Nadhrah, Natasha, Yern Fern and me came up with topic on our three wishes. So, today I'm going to post on three wishes that I would asked for if I was given the chance. I know there are many grammatical error in my essay because I'm not good in writing essay especially in English. My English is getting bad and worst. Please leave a comment if there is any mistake in my essay. thanks :D

If you are given the chance to make three wishes, what would your wishes be? Why?

Last night, when I was sitting and watching my usual choice of TV at home, I started thinking about wishes. What is a wish? Basically, a wish is a kind of hope or desire for something. In literature opportunities for making three wishes that will come true are themes that are widely used. In reality, many cultures have a tradition to make wishes in various circumstances and expect them to come true. Such occasions can be making a wish when blowing the birthday candles or seeing a shooting star. Suddenly I realized that we are constantly making wishes. Thus, I sat down and decided to concentrate on formulating mine. Finally, I have arrived to a conclusion on what would I wish for if I was given the chance.

The first wish I came up to is to wish that we, as the students of primary and secondary school, are allowed to wear our normal t-shirt and attire when we come to school instead of school uniform. There are a few reasons for my desire. Firstly, we can save more energy and electricity as we do not have to iron our school uniform. Secondly, our parents would not have to spend money buying the same, new school uniform every year. Try to imagine, if a family have five children. One child will have at least 3 school uniforms. One school uniform can cost about RM 10, so the parents will spend about RM30 for one child. That means the parents would spend about RM 150 for school uniform only. That causes a lot of money to be spent. Additionally, we would not burden our parents by paying more money on school expenses. Instead, they can use the money for food and other needs.

I bet other students will wish that schools never exist. As for me, I would never, ever wish for this as I realized that schools are so important and the knowledge that we gain from teachers are priceless. I am so thankful that we, Malaysians get the chance to study in a peaceful surrounding. However, I wish that the time allocated for the students to be at school would be decreased. What I mean is that I wish we come to school for four days in a week only and the curricular activities are held only on one day. The reason for my second wish is I, as a secondary school student felt so tired especially on weekdays because I have to spend at least 8 hours in school almost everyday for co-academic activities and co-curricular activities.

If this wish comes true, students can get more rest after a whole day in class. This is because the school system does not allocated time for students to have a 1o-minutes-break occasionally between every subject. Sometimes it makes us feel stress. Try to imagine how can a student cope with almost six new different subjectseveryday? Besides, if a single teacher cannot teach every subject, why do they expect us to be excellent in all the subjects? I have no intention to be rude but I just want to show how the school system sometimes aggravates stress. Additionally, if the curricular activities are held on one day only, the students can spend more time for tuition, social activities and homework as well as family. Consequently, this will strengthen the family bond between family members.

Lastly, I wish that the two deadly Ps’ which are Poverty and Pollution to be vanquished. Sometimes, I hate poverty because it forces man to take to evil ways; it eclipses the brightest virtues and rips away all noble thoughts in human. Therefore I wish for poverty to be eliminated because poverty elimination will make the world a much lovelier place to live in.

Mahatma Gandhi once said “there is enough for everyone’s need but not for everyone’s greed”. It is true as Man, in his request to satisfy his greed and make life easier has caused irrepairable damage to our environment. The closest example is just in front of our eyes. Rapid industrialization has led to pollution. Today, we face mounting environmental problems like the Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, Ozone Layer depletion, Acid Rain and many other implication of pollution. I hope that pollution can be vanquished so that the future generation can live in a better and peaceful place which we called as Earth. Pollution has also killed various types of unique and rare species of flora and fauna which we have not seen before such as Quagga, golden toad and passenger pigeon. Hence, I wish for pollution to be eliminated so that animals and plants would not become endangered and they would not have to face the threat of extinction.

In conclusion I wish for these three things to happen: students can wear normal t-shirt to school, less school hours as well as Poverty and Pollution to be vanquished. However, I always bear in mind to be careful of what I wish for. This holds true because I never know what tomorrow brings. Hence, I would like to end my essay with a simple advice. Whenever you start to wish for something, just stop for a minute and make sure it is what your heart truly desires.